Exhibitors access - Nautisme Québec

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Montreal’s International Boat Show – February 9th-12th, 2023

From 9 February 2023 to 12 February 2023

Exhibitors access

You wish to be one of ours by booking an exhibitor’s space? Now is the time to take action!

In order to guide you throughout the process, here are the following documents :

1) Presentation MIBS 2023-en

2) Plan SIBM 2023

3) SIBM_Reservation Form 2023 EN (to be sent as soon as possible to ensure a space. Presale before October 31st 2022)

Rules SIMB 2023 are available in English on request

Note: Once again this year, Nautisme Québec places its full trust in the DEE Global’s team for the management of the event. For any questions regarding space reservation, please contact Michel Bibeau 514-951-6223 or Véronique Tremblay 514-640-0023


Thank you to our partners :

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